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Quantum Creator Self Study Course
Day 1
Your Essential Daily Rituals for Abundance (3:39)
Day 2
Introducing Energy-weaving & Abundance Block Clearing Exercise (15:49)
Day 3
Treasure Mapping (Visionboarding)
Day 4
Connecting Your Vision Within The Quantum Field & To You!
Day 5
Theta Session Recording 1 (50:39)
Day 6
The 7 Spiritual Laws of The Universe For Success, Abundance & Manifesting
Day 7
Using Words & Language to Create Abundance (4:02)
Day 8
Writing Your Own Hero's Journey/Fairy Tale (5:59)
Day 9
The Art & Energy of Giving
Day 10
Theta HealingĀ® Session 2 (39:31)
Day 11
A Letter of Radical Forgiveness
Day 12
DNA Abundance Attunement Activation
Day 13
Deep Soul Manifestation Worksheet (3:28)
Day 14
Energy Weaving with Breath...
Day 15
Theta HealingĀ® Session 3 (21:14)
Day 16
Sacred Geometry For Manifesting
Day 17
Staying Aligned & In Vibrational Match With your Desires & Manifestations Before They Arrive
Day 18
Manifestation Meditation & Visualisation (2:29)
Day 19
Because I am the Creator Of My Reality, I Am Abundant In... & I Able To Have... (6:54)
Day 20
Bonus Theta HealingĀ® Session 4 (32:04)
Day 21
The Ascension Prayer
The Art & Energy of Giving
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